Sacroiliac pain or better known as SI Pain can be a major issue for many women. This can be debilitating and make it hard to increase your exercise program. This is really common after childbirth and is common in female runners, yoginis and high level athletes. Sacroiliac pain is also common if women who tend to sit for their job and increase their hiking or other activities on the weekends.
I’ve written blogs about this issue before but I feel compelled to share this one aspect of recovering from SI pain that seems to get missed. I think of this area as the epicenter of this issue. It has to do with the Left Posterior Hip Capsule being restricted. If this area is tight the whole structure of the pelvis goes out of whack! (There is more detail about this that is addressed in a past blog regarding Left hip pain.
Below is a simple stretch to stretch the posterior hip capsule. This is a “one” sided activity meaning don’t perform with the legs any other way. Place your Right leg in front and your left leg behind. Its simple, and see if you are tight in your left buttock/hip region. If your are this simple stretch is for you. See if this helps your SI pain. This issue can be complex and may not be resolved by such a simple activity,
if you have further questions feel free to call me for a free discovery session to see if you might benefit from a more in depth home exercise program to address your SI issue.