Online classes make it easy to prioritize improving your strength and stability this winter. Weekly classes continue to grow. Postural Restorative Pilates classes continue online every Wed. and Fri. at 8:00 am with additional classes added regularly. To create a routine practice to gain strength, stability, and overall postural wellness, join us by registering on our website.
Online Membership Platform Coming Soon
We’re getting closer every day to launching our brand new membership-based platform. Keep an eye out here and on our website or social media channels for details as they become available. For only $20 per month, you’ll have access to weekly live classes and recorded content on-demand all month long at any time day or night. It’s literally never been easier to reduce chronic pain and gain strength. Stay tuned!
TRE® (Trauma Release Exercise) Workshop
Join us online to learn simple and effective ways to decrease stress and down-regulate your nervous system. This powerful method is an excellent way to resolve trauma in all forms. The class is free and held online so you can practice this powerful tool as often as you like. Visit our website to register.
Free Community “Group Shake” Fridays at 9am
If you are already familiar with TRE®️ and have the ability to adequately self-regulate without needing assistance from a facilitator, this weekly online class is the right fit for you. This “drop-in” group class is intended to provide a group experience for anyone who already practices TRE®️ individually. Practicing with others can be a powerful experience. Visit the website for more information and join us!
The Movement Studio is open for business with safety protocols in place for house calls and private appointments online and in-person while our property is being restored. We accept Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield, First Choice, MVA, and Workers Compensation and we can also bill for out-of-network insurance. Call 541-535-7019 for more information or to schedule a free consultation. You don’t have to live with chronic pain. If you’re ready to move with freedom, we’re here to provide the resources you need to do the things you love! Call us to schedule an appointment or visit.