People ask me all the time about their exercise programs.
Questions like” Is this program good for me to do? Or questions like “Is Pilates or yoga better for me?”. “Can I run, hike or ride my bike with my current symptoms or injury”?
These are great questions and I always have the same answer so I thought I would write a blog about my typical response.
Are You In The Right Position?
Before answering I usually say something like It’s always good to consider the source of the person you are asking the question. I am a movement therapist and a postural specialist, so my answer always comes down to Position and/or Alignment.
Meaning, if you are not in the right position or your bones are out of alignment NOTHING is going to be that therapeutic. If I do Pilates or yoga and my right thigh bone is in internal rotation due to weakness in my right glut muscle, I am setting myself up for potential injury. If my pelvis is out of alignment it’s really easy to injure my Sacroiliac joints and low back. If your shoulder blades are downwardly rotated it’s hard to have proper dynamics through your upper arms and injury can easily ensue to the rotator cuff or neck. So, it seems the short answer to all these issues is about POSITION!
The Number One Reason
This to me is the number one reason why people do not realize why they keep injuring themselves or why they have not yet healed. So my mission is to help create awareness about this issue and educate people about how to improve their postural position so they can do what they love to do!
I cringe when I hear people say that their doctor said “well your 60 years old now and you’re bound to have some aches and pains”, like there is nothing you can do about it….and really there is…’s not rocket science, it’s just learning how to use your muscle effectively to get you lined up better…..easy peasy!
Come in for a free 20 minute discovery session and lets talk more about it!